Do you want to know about Garment Production? Check our task now!
1) Ahmad Tsabit Dzaky (15030043)
“Be a Part of Development of Fashion and
Textile Technology in The World”
You definitely know
brand products nike, adidas, puma, gucci and louis, if you dont know these
brands, i just want to say to you, these are brand so famous in the world.
Partly people in the world certainly have been wearing these brands. Each
products that released by these brand had a good quality and had a fashionable
design. That is make these brands still famous in the world. And you know,
behind the made of product that has a good quality and fashionable design, also
needs a good quality of manufacturing process. To knowing it you can
learn manufacturing process of textile in major fashion and textile
the major of fashion and textile merchandising is a correct because you will
get much experience, get the knowledge about garment industry. You can make
inovation and develop clothes and technology, even you can combine the clothes
with the technology to make a new function of cloth. The advantage of choosing
the major of garment production is after you graduate from here you can work in
the company of textile or garment with the target work as a middle manager. And
keep in your mind textile has a lot of mean, that is you can work in anywhere
company that associated with textile industry like a car interior, plane
interior and many more. You can also a be enterpreuner of textile or garment
industry because when you graduate from this major you have learned education
and get experience for being an enterpereuner, like a manage human resources,
manage economy, knowing the process of garment production, and knowing what the
technologies that should to use it of textile industries.
major of fashion and textile merchandising can guide you to the success future,
because with the knowledge and the experience that you can get in this major
you can ready for the work competition in local scale and global scale.
And also you can be a success enterpereuner. What you waiting for ??, come on
join with us and be a part of development of fashion and textile techonology in
the world.
2) Asri Jasmine Prameswarini (15030045)
“Textile Our Future”
When you buy clothes, do you
think how the process and made from what
the clothes? Are made from good
ingredients and is safe or not? If you think so, don’t worry because Polytechnic STT Textile will help us.
Polytechnic STT Textile Bandung is the only campus that has the
textile department, which has three departments namely Textile Chemistry, Textile Engineering and Fashion & Textile Merchandising. Fashion & Textile Merchandising have two
concentration that, Garment Production and Fashion Design. In here I will discuss about Garment Production.
Garment production is teaches
how to make clothes, ranging from planning and managing the production process
to become ready to wear product. In Garment Production, we will be taught things that
are not taught at other universities, for example, such as sewing, knowing the
type of fabric and fiber, analyze the types of fibers etc.
Additionally at this time the
demand for labor in the garment sector are needed and continue to mount and no
doubt that the need for clothing is essential for human life.
Come and Join Us!
3) Citra Sukma Pratiwi (15030047)
Learn It and Get
Your Success
Created by Citra
Sukma Pratiwi
Have you ever think if you don’t have any clothes in your wardrobe? But
nobody sells the clothes as you want. And when you find one of the clothes that
you want is very uncomfortable to wear, because it’s made from bad quality
textile. Do you know the clothes in a store that has a good quality was made by
people who understand about fashion and textile? Maybe, you will consider it as
an easy thing but actually it isn’t because to manufacture good clothes has a
long process. If you want to know the process you can learn about it, but
whether that knowledge has known in generally that you can get anywhere? Of
course it is not. You can get the knowledge by learning at the school that has
the program study of Fashion and Textile Merchandising. There, you will learn
many things about fabrics, the manufacture of cloth and clothing and anything
about textiles.
After you learned about fashion and textiles merchandising, you can build
your own business in textiles and fashion. In other hand, you can lead the
garment factory or the garment company, not only that you can also create your
creative idea to become a fashion designer. Working in the fashion and textiles
is not same as other jobs; here you will find different things every day
because to make textile and fashion product is not only one type. So, if you
serious to learn about Fashion and Textile Merchandising you will get your
success in fashion and textiles world.
4) Elda Sukmawati Ulfa (15030048)
Started the success
The garment is an industry that produces apparel and clothing. There’s a
lot factory the garment in Indonesia. Products from industry of garment are
clothes, shirts, pants, skirts, blouses and other. To be able to work the
garment we need to have the ability to sew. Typically most of them studying in
the courses, but they can only apply as an employee (labor), took you long
enough to get a promotion. In Polytechnic STTT Bandung is major garment
production. In the production of garment we will learn from the sewing, the
financing of production, planned production, production patterns ranging from
manual way up to use a computer, cutting materials with the number of quite a
lot, sewing, waste yarn, washing, finishing, packing and over. The major
garment production is hard to find the Indonesia, but job opportunities are
very large, because we will only competition with our classmates. Study on the
production of garment it’s very relaxed, because there’s always we’ll just have
to be the latent in the middle of it. He will also not going to be aware of the
lowest become a supervisor can also be a high office, how do we promote our
ability at the time of the interview. There are also graduated who work outside
the country. Who doesn’t want to work abroad with a salary big enough? So let’s
go get in the department of the production of garments, what are we waiting
5) Finanda Jannatun Nisa (15030049)
Garment can be worn to children, adults,
men and women. Cloth is one of the primary needs of human. Garment industry
relates to textile materials such as fabric, yarn, and the sewing machine to
produce a ready to wear product. The people who involve in this production are
the supervisor, operator, manager, quality control section, and all of his
staff who assist the process.
Garment production is a process of making
garment product start from pattern making to the process of sewing and also
learn about the textile business. Textile business has considerable
opportunities in and has good job prospects for the future. Garment factory in
Indonesia is growing up faster now. Jobs in garment industry in Indonesia still
have many opportunities, and it will reduce jobless. So, let’s choose majors
garment production, show your ability and your creativity.
6) Firhan Nurbambang (15030050)
What skills do you
already have?
I will explain a little bit about majors in polytechnic STTT Bandung.
Polytechnic STTT Bandung has 3 majors. There are textile chemistry, textile
engineering and fashion and textile merchandising but this time I will
especially explain about fashion and textile merchandising. In this major there
are more specific major such as fashion design but in this discussion only
about fashion and textile merchandising.
Production of garment
itself is the process of making such as shirt, t-shirt, skirt, suit, pants etc.
this production is very important because supply any meets the need of
clothing. Also we can study about the production of garment from the first step
until the last. The first step is preparing about the product such as the
fabric, accessories and the process then the last step is packing and shipping.
These skills are still rarely owned by people because the major of fashion and
textile merchandising is only in Polytechnic STTT Bandung. Almost every
industry of garment looking for the fresh graduate from this major to employed
them so that the job opportunity is still wide open.
The need of
clothing is important in this life and it covered by this industry. Garment production
will also help the needs of clothing and also help in every sector so choosing
this major make a big success opportunity in life.
7) Fitri Komarasari (15030051)
Confuse to chose your
major? Just choose Fashion and Textile Marchandising
and textile merchandising is one of industry that produced clothes and supply clothes from fabric until ready product. The product is made from textile
It is
just the definitions, there are still many overplus, and you will never be
regret to choose this major. Because fashion and textile marchandising have
many potential skill for your career.
First, development of garment in sector industry has gotten
the first level. Because The
requirements of the people about clothing never stop and must be completed. And
than, requirement of the people always be fasionable and make the human never
satisfied to have it. And also include you, isn’t it? You always need and want to be fashionable?
Second, because requirements of people abut clothes never
stop, the garment is also the labor intensive ,it takes many worker. So , after
we graduate we don’t have to worry about to find the job. Actually, the work
will be looking for us.
Third, many lndonesian garments not only for this country
but also placed to another country (export). Isn’t it’s really cool to choose
fashion and textile merchandising, not just fullfill national requirements but
also fullfill international requirement.
And the last overplus, wich more interesting than another
overplus is we not only learn about how
to produce clothes but also, we learn about business management and company
management.So ,for those who want to be an entrepreneur just join us. Because
fashion and textile merchandising is
full of advantages.
There are many profit will you get if you choose fashion and textile merchandising. Which is
can support your career. So, what do you waiting for? Let’s join this major.
8) Iffah Abidatul A’la (15030052)
Great Major for You
Do you someone who loved with something related with cloth or sewing? Do
you want to know or already know how to make it? Are you interest with managed
something? Do want to know how garment industry work? Or you want to know all
facts on it?
Or maybe you even didn’t know what you want and what you like?
I think for the last question you have to meditation about it. But I can answer the other question about majors that can match with you; the answer is you have to study at garment production at Politeknik STT Tekstil Bandung.
But what is garment?
Garment according KBBI is ready made clothes.
Why it should be Politeknik STT Tekstil? Why you have to choose this major?
First, this is one and only university on Indonesia, even in Asia, who focus on textile. In this place you can learn a lot of thing that you cannot or hard to find at the other places. Second, if you really want to know about garment and management you are perfect at this major. When you study on it you can’t stop love this major and every time with positive thinking it’s really excited things to learn.
9) Intan Permatasari (15030053)
Why do we choose
garment production?
Garment is a
integration product and sewing component until become a fashion. The garment is
can't be separate from industry such as fiber and thread industry, spinning
industry, weaving industry until a fashion industry. All it is textile
Polytechnic STTT Bandung, there are courses that separate to the world of
textile such as textile engineering, textile chemistry, fashion design and
garment production. Garment production it's the major in the field fashion and
textile merchandising. We have been learned a lot about garment to begin making
pattern, cutting, sewing and finishing. But it's still a lot course that
related to garment production such as marketing, human resource management,
entrepreneurship etc.
When finish, graduate of garment production can work in the
industry, not a operator. But to fill management industry position.
Because graduate of garment production have a skill, such as plan and manage
garment production, manage process control and garment quality. But expert
working in industry, graduate can make own business, because expert learn about
production process, we are also learn about entrepreneurship and marketing. And
that was kind of added value which is owned by graduate of garment
10) Luluk Hamdiyah (15030054)
Textile business learning
From 2015 until now, i am study in
production of garment. I am happy because the major that i took is the major
that most needed for a job vacancy in the garment business.
Our dream to make own clothes and be used
alone will be achieved, because in production of garment we thought to design
clothes, choose fabric that we need, and stitch fabric to be clothes that we
Why should production of garment? Because
this major learn about how we can produce a suit products from the raw stuff,
production process, create patterns, marker, cutting, numbering, bundling,
sewing, and product packed.
So, we aren't worries in this major,
because we get knowledge that can develop and establish their own business.
And for you who want to work in garment
factory, you aren't worries because production of garment graduate, you can be
supervisor of the company. Are you want to make clothes with own production?
Production of garment is the solution.
11) Luthfi Fadhilah (15030055)
Learn to Even
If not have experience about the garment, I recommend
you to go to the major of the garment production, because this major is quite
interesting to get a lot of the experience of the world textile.
program of Garment Production is one of the program diploma IV from Polytechnic
STTT Bandung that is on mayor fashion and textile merchandising. The purpose of
garment production is to meet needs of the skilled professional in the field garment
production. In this garment production we can knowing and learning many things
about the business world, not only learning a theory but, we also learning a
practice so more understand about garment. In garment production we will
studying about how we creating a product of made goods of textile. In here
student will learning lecture as manual pattern making, marker, grading
pattern, cutting analysis and material utilization, and planning garment
production. In the garment production a students be changed for working as
garment industry. Therefore we don’t have to be afraid to learning garment
production and will not miscasting if we choose study program of garment
production in Polytechnic STTT Bandung.
We will be getting many chance if we choose garment production in Polytechnic
STTT, as thing we can creating a business alone or working in one of garment
industry. We will have Chanced very large for the future. Garment business in Indonesian have a good prospects,
by example a clothes which is needs basic human. Therefore, garment business
will still there and will be continues to grow.
Thereby, that’s a reason from me about study program of the garment
production in polytechnic .STTT Bandung. Come on join garment
12) Mega Devita Sari (15030056)
Garment Production Majoring Is So Cool
The Study Program of technology and
garment business is one of the diploma program IV, organized by Sekolah
Tinggi Teknologi Tekstil (STTT) in the Textile ready to wear
product majoring. This study program started his education in 2004, it is based
on demand for labor needs in the garment continue to increase .
· Graduate profile
Having the ability to carry out complex work includes the ability to:
ü Plan and manage the production process
ü Managing the process control and the
quality of the garment
ü Evaluating the results of production and
solve the problems
ü Plan, manage and
control the distribution of garments
ü Follow and apply
science and technology development, and garment
In 2015, Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Tekstil
has changed into a Polytechnic STTT Bandung, the study program of technology and garment business in Sekolah Tinggi
Teknologi Tekstil has turned into garment production. If you are confused to choose
which college you want to go and which majoring you want to study, garment production is the right
choice. Most of all, is the only
one in Indonesia and the prospect of having graduated from garment production is good, because many companies are looking for fresh graduate from garment
production to be the leader of tha company. In the garments production we can learn about the business as well. So,
if you want to be successful and have your own bussiness, let’s study in garment
production of Polytechnic STTT Bandung.
13) Melsa Ayuning Putri (15030057)
The Production of Garments.
The daily life many people once needs that use garment . His
, shoes , bag , jacket , and other his must need garment .Garment managed by
those who is expert in his work that is production garment .Many people think
that produce a material into goods so easy , but in fact not .Should have
talent and a continuous exercise to be versed in sewing and forth . Production
garment we know only sewing but there are actually many in learn as makes
patterns , knowledge material garment , cutting technique , planning production
, and many theories learned in production garment .In Politeknik STT TEKSTIL
are of production garment able to increase the insight in textile . Here we
will learn to make an ingredient/stuff become a thing of the so that can be
used by the people .In of production garment extremely beneficial .We can
produce a material and may provide employment. Besides will also be ease in get
a job and can also makes land work for a lot of people.Enter toward the
production garment that could know what we do not knew before in the field of
14) Mia Wulandari (15030058)
Majors to Success
What the hell majors to
success? Yes, one of them is fashion and merchandising. Fashion and
merchandising is one of the program studies in Politeknik STT TEKSTIL Bandung.
Fashion ans merchandising is usually known study using sewing machines,
but don't worry if cannot sew, here you will be taught from the start point of
the tailoring. Majoring in fashion and merchandising we will learn to make lab
suit and campus suit, you will learn how to make it too. The subjects in
fashion and merchandising are Patterns manual and CAD, Cutting, sewing, etc.
First, we'll make a pattern with the manual way is mean make a pattern on
paper, but if you make the pattern using computer is mean make pattern CAD.
Second, you will learn about how to cut out the pattern on the fabric. The last
is sewing, after fabric was in piece form the components then we would sew them
become a product for example; lab suit and campus suit. The lecturer will teach
to sew by individually and as running like in the factory. Fashion and
merchandising also learn about garment production planning, the selection of
garment machinery, utilities, etc.
The job opportunities after
graduated from fashion and merchandising of Politeknik STT TEKSTIL Bandung is
many, especially in the garment and textile companies. Not only that, we can
open our own sewing business with a sewing machine, it is easy, right?
Therefore, this Department is already promising to successful if we can arrange
it. Let's choose fashion and merchandising because here you can get your
success with us.
15) Millatina Silmi Thariqi (15030059)
Trying new things
to enter the world garment
The process of making garment production start from
pattern, cutting, sewing until packing. Garment Business has a good
prospect. On the garment business we were teach how to make a
pattern, because before we make a clothes we have to make a pattern
first. Choosing the production of garment major will not make us
regret it. We also teaches how to describe human proportion and then
teaches how to stitch from the clothes pattern that we created earlier.
On the Garment Production not only women, but lots of
men interested to choose the garment major. And then in the
production of garment major we not only learn about how to stitch a
clothes, but also we have General lecture, that proved by a lots of
friend who has graduated from STT Textile especially production of garment
major not all of them work from their major, some of them opened a
race workshop, work at bank, open a convection workshop, chemical
supplier, photography, even some of them became textile machine supplier and
spare parts and so many more. Production of Garment have a good
quality trusted.
16) Muhammad Iqbal Nugraha (15030060)
Fashion and textile merchandising is one
of the majors in Polytechnic STTT Bandung,in this major we learn how to process
semi-finished product into ready to wear product .This major learn how to process
fabrics that made by textile engineering and textile chemistry. The difference
between "Fashion and textile merchandising" and other majors are we
learn about pattern making (Manual pattern & CAD pattern), drawing
proportion body of human ( man & woman ) , cutting process and sewing. For
you who like to draw you can explore your talent in pattern and anatomy sketch.
For you who want to hone your skill you can get it in matery of sewing .
fashion being studied in Fashion and textile merchandising ? yes ,we learn
about fashion but not deep as fashion design major, fashion design and
"fashion and textile merchandising" have a resemblance but it
different ,for you who love fashion you can choose fashion design major. Don’t
worry for you who dislike mathematics,physics ,and chemistry we learn about
that only one semester. How about opportunities to get a job ? it is easy
for you to get a job , think about this, quota for fashion and textile
merchandising major is low ,while the industry needs more graduates from
Polytechnic STTT, so don’t worry about getting a job because it easy. So come
and register to be part of us.
17) Risna Nurul Ardianti (15030061)
Why people
should choose the Garment Production
Garment production is
divided into two courses. Namely, the production of garments and fashion design
garment production concentration.
industry is an industry that produces apparel. What is meant by apparel is all kinds of clothing
materials textile. The raw material is woven
or knitted fabrics and products which
include shirts, blouses, skirts, T-shirt,
polo shirts, sport swear, clothing in (underwear) and
others. The industry is a contributor, the foreign
exchange for the country after oil and natural gas. In the
international marker, Indonesian garment products have a pretty good position,
with share of between 3% - 4% of the total value
of export world.”
We can learn about the process of making half to wear for finished textiles into clothing. Activities in garment production such as creating a pattern or marker-making, cutting.
The prospect of working in
garment production after graduating very nice as on the part of merchandising, supervisor, sewing supervisor, cutting supervisor, or
others. And may also work in other private companies such as
the company export imports.
The reason why you should choose fashion and textile merchandising for the good of your career in the future.
The reason why you should choose fashion and textile merchandising for the good of your career in the future.
Come on join fashion and textile
18) Sofia Khansa Khalvati (15030062)
Why Majoring a Fashion and Textile Merchandising?
Fashion and textile merchandising is acknowledged as a subject of how to makes a product, begin
from process of make a sample, cost, planning, making pattern, cutting, sewing, cutting the thread,
washing, finishing, packing and folding. The last is final inspection and distribution.
In some university, the program study of a fashion and textile merchandising is few difficult to
find, because the existences is less and some people in Indonesia agree with it. However, having a
degree in can support the knowledge of fashion and textile merchandising makes planning,
managing and controlling the quality in a process of making garment products. Not only that they
can evaluate the final product, resolving problems in garment, and controlling the distribution
based on the development of a science and technology.
People who has scholar of Fashion and textile merchandising can fill the position of managerial
department or distribution in garment industry. In the other hand they can implement their
knowledge's into their own business especially in garment industry.
Majoring in fashion and textile merchandising can be the best choice and there are still have
enough opportunities to fill this field
19) Farach Ainunnisa (15030065)
Do we have the
same dream?
Hello, my name is
Farach Ainunnissa. I am a student 3rd semester in the textile
technology academy (STTT) in Bandung, with major garment production. Garment
production is process from the finish fabric to be transform or change in to
the finish garment. Garment production majoring is the one of Diploma IV
programs that’s organized by textile technology academy (STTT).
From the beginning
until now, I have a dream to have a boutique famous with the clothes
production, and then sale by our own. Well, Alhamdulillah now I am studying at
the school with the right department. In here I learned a lot about how to make
a pattern, cut the fabric to stitch it. There’s a lot of knowledge I got and
insyaAllah I can improve my dream. For you who have the same dream, let’s go
follow me! How? Choose a major of garment production in the School of
Technology Textile Bandung.
Why should choose
a major of garment production?
Because by
choosing that’s majors, insyaAllah we can improve our dream to have the
production of conversation and has a boutique. And the garment production had a
vision and mission to pruduce professional people and prepare experts who have
the competence in the field of technology and the garment business. In addition,
a graduate of the garment industry that is directed to fill the position of
middle management industry and the distribution of the garment.