Minggu, 30 Oktober 2016



Why we should wear skirt?

Why we should wear skirt?

Are you a girl? Someone who active at moving in some activity? Are you wearing trousers often?

Yeah, mostly woman who have many activity would said that wearing trousers can help them to move comfortably and also flexible in many activity like riding motorcycle, sport, climbing, and etc. But in this case I recommend you wearing skirt. It’s not like we said that wear trousers is bad. But there are many ways to wear skirt without reduce our movement and activity, like wear legging and wear long socks. Why?

Have you seen someone who wearing skirt? What your impression to that girl? In my opinion, it gave me many impressions like politer, elegant, girly, and fashionable, of course it depends with what she wears, but it just applied to someone who wearing loose skirt. Wearing tight skirt will give you some bad impression at many people like sexy and impolite and of course it’s not comfortable, but it wouldn’t happen if you wearing loose skirt. Did you know that with wearing loose skirt we can get some benefit besides what I said before? Many people didn’t think about it. It can give you benefit like comfortable, healthy, more flexible, and the important thing that makes wearing loose skirt more better than wearing trousers and tight skirt are to protect against evil men’s eyes from us so it can decrease insulting and sexual harassment.

Have you think or try to wear skirt some times? Some people who look at you at the first time you wearing skirt would feel strange and some of them make a joke to you. And you weren’t wearing it again sometime because you feel embarrassed?

Don’t worry about it. All people with their entire joke would be disappearing in some of week and they wouldn’t think that you are strange again.

Then why didn’t you try it? Change yourself to look more elegant, to look more polite, and to protect yourself.

Let’s start it for today!!! :)

Minggu, 16 Oktober 2016

Prolog Beautiful Moon

Di tengah malam yang sunyi itu terlihat seorang wanita memakai gaun tengah berlari di antara hamparan bunga dandelion yang sedang mekar. Wajahnya tegang, matanya terus menyorot ke depan, dan bibirnya tertutup kencang tanda ia baru berlari beberapa meter. Tangan dan kakinya bergerak dengan kompaknya melangkah cepat ke depan tanpa menghiraukan benih-benih bunga yang terbang karena hempasannya. Nafasnya mulai terengah-engah mencoba menggapai sebanyak udara yang bisa dihirup dengan normal, kakinya mulai kaku, dan kepalanya mulai berdengung. Ia pun berhenti, lalu ia mengambil nafas dalam pada posisi membungkuknya. Setelah mulai tenang, pandangannya menuju ke bawah beberapa saat. Barulah ia sadar bahwa malam itu merupakan malam tercerah yang pernah ia lihat. Bulan malam itu bersinar dengan cerahnya walau ditutupi oleh awan lembut yang berlalu-lalang dengan enggannya. Pada menit-menit itu ia berharap orang-orang di sekitarnya menghilang untuk beberapa saat untuk menikmati keindahannya sejenak dan mulai berlari lagi saat puas memandang bulan yang indah itu.